The Pink Lady/ 2008
This animation was created for the exhibition Finding Ground at the Lonsdale Gallery in 2008. The series Sometimes You Bug My Ass, But I Pretend You Don't deals with the common ground shared by women of all cultures. Sometimes women don’t need to speak the same language or live in the same material world to identify with each other’s expectations, fears, joys and disappointments.
Hey JJ/ 2008
This animation was created for the exhibition Finding Ground at the Lonsdale Gallery in 2008.
The circles and shapes move and groove to JJ Cale's Midnight in Memphis.
Canadian Place Names Project 1999
Canada has many quirky and colorful place names such as; Moose Jaw, Medicine Hat, Yellowknife and Whitehorse. Behind these names are historical anecdotes and legends that reveal how places got their names staring the pioneers and first-nation Canadians who took part in Canada’s early history. I have chosen twelve place names to be part of this animation project. Yellowknife tells a story of Alexander Mackenzie’s encounter with the Yellowknife Dene and their copper tools. The name Medicine Hat originates in the story of a fierce battle between the Cree and Blackfoot Indians that took place on the South Saskatchewan River. The names “Red Deer” and “Moose Jaw” reveal stories About the European settler’s first encounters in the wild new frontier.
Medicine Hat '99